
Somnolent Rendering



Yvette (yv)mbti: intp
discord: k_2340


Ray (ryn)mbti: entj
discord: rynnishere

about us!!

how/why the group is created:

started out with yv impulsively trying out scans with absolutely ZERO knowledge about it (no hate, exams makes people lose their minds yk)thing is, ray happened to find that manga yv was working and decided to dm yv. He send a WHOLE resume cause he wanna help out.
was he accepted? the answer is NO, iNsTaNt ReJeCtIoN.
(please dont send yv a whole paragraph….)
anyways, ray continues to pester yv to make a group
and yeah thats why it was created.
the end.
for those who bothered reading, thanks haha

series list

jellyfish can’t swim in the night
numa sugite


hii, do join us if you are interested!!
roles open:
- cl/rd
-translators [jp - el]
(dm @k_2340 if you are interested in applying for TL or PR)
we respect/understand that you may have other commitments irl, so do not feel pressured and just let us know if you REALLY can't completed it by the given deadline.


1. please download and complete all the images below
2. Kindly clean/redraw with two or more layers. One is the raw and the rest are your cleans.
3. feel free to use any software you want as long as it can export as .psd
4. send your work to @k_2340 on discord
Goodluck!! hope to work with you :)
ok thank you


1. scroll down and download the cleaned pages. the script will also be provided below
2. Use whatever fonts you’d like (feel free to be creative especially with the font)
3. When you’re finished, send your work to @k2340 on discord!!
If you have any questions, just DM @k2340
ok thank you :)

いってえな  コラ!!
Ouch, you idiot!!
コロス!!  コロシテ  やるわあぁ!!
I'll kill you!! I'll definitely kill you!!
うるせぇ  あばれんな  菌類が!!
shut up you wild fungi!!
死なば  諸共!!
if I'm dying, you're coming with me!!
いででで  でたで。
ou ou ou ou ouch
はなせ  てめぇ!!
let go of me
sfx:  や...、
やべーとこに  来ちゃった・・・。
i ended up in a dangerous place
吸血鬼とゾンビの ハーフだって!?
Half vampire and half zombie!?
そんな話 信じられるか。
Do you think I'll believe in such a thing?
友達がいなくても好きなものが なくても
Even if you don't have friends or anything you like
私と私の歌だけは。あなたを一人ぼっちに しないから!
My songs and i will never leave you alone!
I promise!